
The Unique Value of Horses
1. Exceptional Sensitivity and Feedback:
Horses are highly perceptive animals, finely attuned to the emotions and intentions of those around them. Their ability to mirror human emotions provides immediate and honest feedback, helping individuals gain deeper insights into their own behavior and emotional state. This natural responsiveness makes horses incredible facilitators for personal development.
2. Non-Judgmental Presence:
Unlike human interactions, horses offer a non-judgmental and unbiased presence. They do not carry preconceived notions or judgments, creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their feelings and behaviors without fear of criticism.
3. Powerful Catalysts for Change:
The sheer presence of a horse can be both grounding and empowering. Engaging with these majestic animals can break down emotional barriers, foster resilience, and encourage individuals to step out of their comfort zones. The physicality of interacting with horses also adds a dynamic, experiential aspect to learning that is often lacking in traditional programs.
4. Building Trust and Communication:
Working with horses requires clear, honest communication and the establishment of trust. These fundamental skills are transferable to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional environments. The lessons learned in equine assisted learning often lead to improved interpersonal skills and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

What We Offer

More to come.

We are currently offering individual sessions in single or pairs increments. These sessions are personalized and tailored to meet the needs of the individual participant(s).

More to come.


# of ParticipantsLength of SessionCost per person per session
11 hour$77 ($67 at Lovingood)
21.25 hours$57 ($47 at Lovingood)
3-71.5-2 hours$47 (unavailable at Lovingood)

We hope to obtain sponsorships in the future that will allow for sliding scale pricing for those who need it.
*Please note, this rate chart does not apply to corporate teambuilding and leadership sessions. Please contact for pricing when those sessions are available.

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